Thursday, May 24, 2007
Many English language terms refer to various forms of happiness and pleasure. These terms vary in the intensity of the pleasure they describe, as well as the depth and longevity of the satisfaction. These include: bliss, joy, joyous, carefree, jubilant, exultant, cheerful, playful, amused, fun, glad, gay, gleeful, jolly, jovial, delighted, euphoric, ecstatic, thrilled, elated, enraptured, comfortable, harmonious, and triumphant. Gratification is a deep satisfaction gained from becoming totally absorbed in a complex activity or by working toward meaningful goals. Happiness can also be achieved in other various scenarios.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Why not be happy
Laughter is good for the soul.
We all should be happy.
Laughter is the biological reaction of humans to moments or occasions of humor: an outward expression of amusement. Laughter is subcategorised into various groupings depending upon the extent and pitch of the laughter: giggles, clicks (which can be almost silent), chortles, chuckles, hoots, cackles, sniggers and guffaws are all types of laughter. Smiling is a mild silent form of laughing.
Count your blessings.If you constantly compare yourself to those who seem to be happier and have more, you'll be miserable. In a study at the State University of New York, Buffalo, one group completed the sentence "I'm glad I'm not a _______," and another group finished the sentence "I wish I were a _______." The first group felt relatively happy afterward, but the second group, which focused on unfulfilled desires, came away feeling worse.
Fake a smile.A study from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, revealed that when students made frowning expressions by pushing their brows together, they felt angry -- even when watching cartoons -- but those who were induced to smile felt happier and found the shows funnier.
Five Best Mood-Boosting Foods
1. Air-popped popcorn.
The carbs raise your level of the brain chemical serotonin, helping you feel and sleep better.
2. Chocolate-dipped strawberries.
The fruit's antioxidants (vitamin C and beta-carotene) boost your mood by battling stress hormones, and the chocolate releases endorphins, another feel-good brain chemical.
3. Half a bagel...with fat-free cream cheese, topped with blueberries.
Eat this combo when you crave a doughnut; you'll get the carb-induced mood boost minus the sugar crash.
4. Grilled salmon
It's rich in omega-3 fatty oils, which studies show can lower the risk for depression.
5. Bananas
They're loaded with vitamin B6, which helps the body manufacture serotonin.
Get romantic.
Besides the fact that it's just plain fun, orgasm triggers your body to release endorphins (the brain chemicals that produce a sense of euphoria) and oxytocin (a hormone that has a calming, nurturing effect).
There are few better remedies for unhappiness than an intimate friendship with someone who cares deeply about you, confiding in others is good for the body as well as for the soul."